What A Feng Shui Client Questionnaire Looks Like
Upcoming Into to Feng Shui Lecture in Portland, OR!
With an upcoming Intro to Feng Shui seminar coming up, I wanted to take this opportunity to post what a Feng Shui Client Questionnaire looks like. I would send a client this form like this before our first on-site meeting. This would allow me not only to learn a brief history of the space, but to learn about the clients' life goals and aesthetics. Any alteration in the home should speak to the clients' taste while supporting their goals and desires.
Feng Shui Consultation Questionnaire
What year was your home built?
Has there been any major remodeling?
What is the approximate square footage?
Do you rent or own?
For how long?
Do you know the home’s history? Did the previous occupants move on in a prosperous way?
Are you aware of any positive or negative things that have happened in your home?
Have you noticed any changes in your life, positive or negative, since moving to this home?
How do you feel when you step into your home? Do your spirits rise or fall?
Do you find that you like some rooms more than others? Which?
Would you like to add any further comments about how you feel in your home?
What is your overall intention for your home? Why did you decide to have a Feng Shui Consultation?
Please review the following 9 themes and associated questions, and assess how satisfied you feel regarding each aspect of your life. Following each question, rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1-5 (1 meaning least satisfied and 5 meaning most satisfied) on the line provided. You may add any personal comments as you like below.
1. Career & Life’s Journey
Are you passionate about what you do for a living; does it feel fulfilling? _____
Do the people you work around acknowledge and respect you?_____
Do you like to try new things; do you feel that anything is possible?_____
2. Knowledge, Wisdom & Self-Cultivation
Do you feel free to grow and learn new things; does it seem that there is more out there?_____
Does your life and schedule allow time for cultivating new knowledge and awareness?_____
Do you feel that you are intelligent and make wise decisions?_____
3. Family & Community
Do you have a good relationship with the family with whom you live?_____
Do you feel that your family or your parents control or overlook you?_____
Do you feel tension or recognize too much conflict or arguing within your family?_____
Do you feel connected to a sense of community?_____
4. Wealth, Prosperity & Abundance
Do you feel fortunate in your life; are good things happening to you?_____
Do you feel that you spend money wisely, or does it seem to ‘disappear’?_____
Do things show up when you need them without expectation; does your life feel abundant?____
Do you feel you deserve wealth and prosperity?_____
5. Fame & Reputation (How you shine your light in the world)
Do you feel good about yourself and who you are?_____
Are you overly concerned about what people think about you?_____
Do you feel you have gifts and wisdom, ‘light’ to share with others?_____
Do you feel free to share those gifts?_____
6. Love & Relationships
Do you find it easy to love yourself, treat yourself well, and care for your emotional, spiritual, and physical needs?_____
Do you find that you are able to flow with your partner and work together on life’s everyday tasks?_____
Does communication between you and your partner seem strained most of the time; is it difficult to find time to share your day and feelings?_____
If you are single, do you seem to attract the ‘wrong type’ or find it difficult to meet appropriate potential partners?____
7. Creativity, Children & Inner Child
Are you creative and excited about life and starting new projects?_____
If you are a parent, is your relationship with your children rich and positive?_____
If you want kids, are you having trouble planning or conceiving?_____
Do you feel connected to yourself and the playfulness within you?_____
8. Travel & Helpful People
Do you feel that you have support from friends and family?_____
Are you able to receive help from others when they offer it, or do you try to ‘go it alone’?____
Does it seem that the right people show up in your life at the right time, being ‘angels’ in some way?_____
Do you travel as much as you would like; does it feel like you are missing opportunities to see the world?_____
9. Health, Unity & Balance
Do you have health concerns that seem to go from one thing to another?____
Does your life feel in balance; do you eat well and exercise in keeping with your goals?_____
After reviewing these themes and questions,, please take a few minutes to explain any of these areas that don’t feel good to you right now. Maybe you feel that they are blocked in some way, or that there is something missing or hindering you from living and feeling your full potential. What would you like to change about how your life feels? Which of the above 9 themes seem to need attention for improvement in your life? Please explain.