The Bagua!
The Bagua is the Feng Shui energy map that lays over any horizontal surface, for example tables, individual rooms, entire homes and property. The Bagua is divided into 8 trigrams or guas, with the center representing your physical psychological and spiritual health. It is the most important of all as it touches and affects every aspect of your life and well being and must always be our priority and the center of our actions. Only with good health can an individual enjoy and nourish relationships, travel, creativity, wealth, career, fame, wisd The 8 other trigrams or guas are listed below and represent the fundamental principles of reality:
Fame and Reputation
Wealth and Prosperity
Family and Community
Love and Relationship
Helpful People and Travel
Creativity and Children
Career and Life Mission
Wisdom and Knowledge
Let's go into a little more depth about each section of the Bagua, keeping in mind that this blog is only to scratch the surface in understanding this powerful Feng Shui tool.
This area is related to your overall health and is represented by earthy colors such as yellow and rust and brown, square shapes, and the earth element. Because it’s in the center, the health area is affected by and affects all eight Bagua areas around it.
Fame and Reputation:
This area is related to fame, passion, recognition, reputation and the season and energy of summer. It is symbolized by the color red, triangular shapes, and the fire element. This is also an area for people who want to be seen and recognized. It governs your level of passion and how the world sees you and is a great area to activate if you are starting any new endeavors that require public support.
Wealth and Prosperity:
This gua is related to success, financial gains, and general good fortune. It is symbolized by the color purple, rectangular shapes and the wood element. This Gua reminds you that Wealth and Prosperity come in many forms, including but not limited to monetary gain. Activate this area with flowing fountains, crystals, coins, round-leaf plants and items that remind you of your definition of prosperity. Include objects or affirmations that support your desires for achieving your personal wealth. Be certain that money and wealth are cultivated in a healthy way by setting your intention to enjoy the abundance that is your birthright. Gained without greed, money is a wonderful energy that can support your desires for a positive lifestyle.
Family and Community:
Also sometimes known as the ancestors section of the Bagua map, this area is related to the people in your life who have assisted in getting you to where you are now. It can also be related to those people who are currently supporting you in your life goals. The area is symbolized by the color green, rectangular shapes and the wood element. Strengthening this area will strengthen your family and social life.
Love and Relationships:
This area is related to relationships, partnerships, and marriage, symbolized by the color pink, square shapes, dual objects and the element of earth. This area is probably the second most popular because it can activates attracting a primary partnership.
Helpful People and Travel:
This area is related to helpful people, benefactors, and the energy of heaven. This gua is symbolized by the color gray, circular shapes, and the metal element. Oftentimes we need the help of others to move forward with our goals and in our lives. Adjustments can be done in this area to activate the energy to bring supportive energy and people into your life.
Creativity and Children:
This area is related to completion, children, any sort of output or offspring, joy, and the season and energy of autumn. The color white, circular shapes, and the metal element belong here. This area is about closure and the end of things. But the end of things brings new beginnings as well. This area would be great to activate if you have trouble completing projects.
Career and Life Mission:
This area is related to your career as well as the season and energy of winter. The color black, wavy shapes, and the element of water symbolize this area. This is the path you walk in life, and how you express your work in the world. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a traditional career, but it pertains to how you move through the course of your life
Wisdom and Knowledge:
This area is related to knowledge and self-cultivation, represented by the color dark blue, the square shapes, and the element of earth. This area is also about our spiritual inclinations to grow and develop our inner lives. It’s also about your level of skill and knowledge in mundane areas of your life.
To further understand the Bagua and to learn more about how this tool can be used in your own individual space, email me at to schedule a consultation.